Personal Development: SMSC and British Values
PSHE in the classroom
Effective delivery of PSHE will help to improve the emotional and behavioural well-being of our students and will ultimately help raise attainment. The PSHE modules will be delivered by a team of teachers as part of the ‘Lifeskills’ programme as discrete lessons.
It will include:
- Digital Literacy including E- Safety
- Finance Awareness
- Health & Wellbeing: My Life; My Mind; My Body
- Preparing for careers and next steps in life
British Values across the Curriculum
Thurston Community College seeks to promote the fundamental British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs. Each faculty are responsible for ensuring that British Values are incorporated into their schemes of work and that students are given the opportunity to learn about them in the classroom. Teaching staff are expected to include elements of British Values in their planning whenever possible.
Character Education across the Curriculum
The purpose of character education is to help young people become responsible, caring citizens who make a positive contribution to society. For Thurston Community College, it is about students learning about and having an appreciation of the personal virtues that can make them not only successful in the workplace but also develop into responsible young adults. Like British Values, Character Education should be built into lesson planning when possible, is a part of Tutor time and is also delivered as part of the Lifeskills programme.
Relationship, Sex and Health Education
PSHCE - Relationships, Sex and Health Education Mapping Document
Visit the policies page to see our Relationship Sex Health Education Policy