Thurston Community College

Geography Curriculum

Intent of Geography

Geography underpins a lifelong 'conversation' about the Earth as the home of humankind. At Thurston Community College, the Geography curriculum contributes to a balanced education for all young people. Geography, therefore, is not a narrow academic subject for the few; it is relevant and fundamental for everyone because it is embedded in the future of our planet.

We aim to encourage a lifetime of learning about the world around us. Geography both fascinates and inspires: the beauty of the earth and its many ecosystems from the Arctic to the Tropics; the power of earth-shaping forces such as volcanoes and hurricanes – these prompt us to question our place in the world.

Geography deepens our understanding of many contemporary challenges; climate change, food security, hazard management – these cannot be understood without a geographical perspective.

There is no substitute for ‘real world learning’, at least for some of the time. In geography, this is manifested in a special way: we call it fieldwork and we aim to offer varied opportunities for this in our curriculum.

An essential educational outcome of learning geography is to be able to apply knowledge and conceptual understanding to new settings. That is, to ‘think geographically’ about the changing world. Geography also promotes skills for life: using maps and images of people and places; numerical data and graphs; communication skills and an understanding of the geographic information systems that underpin our lives. This makes geographers skilful and employable in many settings.

Geography at Thurston Community College fulfils many educational goals. Ultimately, thinking and decision-making using geography helps us to live our lives as empowered and knowledgeable citizens, aware of our own local communities in a global setting.

Threads of powerful knowledge in Geography

Geography involves a set of general themes that provide the basis for:

Knowledge and Understanding

  • Of places, environments and features, extending from local to global;
  • Of processes that explain natural geographical features;
  • Of the links between people, places and environment and the impacts of people on the planet.

Geography Skills: Enquiry Research
Geography Skills: Interpreting Maps
Geography Skills: Interpreting Diagrams and Data

Cultural reading and enrichment in Geography

Reading with Understanding at all Key Stages
Key Stage 3 Five minute reads
Key Stage 4 Wide World Magazine
Key Stage 5 Geography Review Magazine
Library recommended reading list for novels and poems set in other countries. 

Links to Further Information