Health and Social Care Curriculum
Intent of Health and Social Care
The mission of the Health & Social Care Department is, in preparation for their Level 2 & 3 qualifications, to engage all students in the theory and real-life application. Opportunities will be given in KS4 and KS5 to explore career links with the subject matter. They will understand the role of Health & Social Care in the world of work and how they can apply their understanding to roles in the wider community beyond the classroom.
Intent Year 10
In year 10: Students will study two units of study: RO33 Supporting Individuals through life events and RO32 Principles of Care. As these units require an understanding of how to work independently, carry out research and consider the best way to present this information, the year begins with an introductory unit developing the skills and attitudes needed to be successful before beginning TA2 of the exam unit as this is also part of the mandatory NEA unit.
RO33 requires students to know and understand the development of an individual throughout the different life stages from childhood to later adulthood. They will learn about the expected norms before comparing them to an individual that they know well. There are a number of different factors that can also impact the individual and students will study how these can positively or negatively affect their development. Students will carry out an interview about life events ensuring that they have an understanding of the effects that this has had on an individual.
Lastly, they will identify areas of support that could be offered, where this support may come from, and suggest how this would benefit them. This unit will be externally moderated in May to reliably inform student progress and to identify those students who require further intervention as the course continues. It will also help students with progression as they plan their Post-16 pathway.
RO32 is the examined unit which students will start in May and will complete another of the four topic areas on effective communication and how this ensures high quality of care. This will include a focus on subject-specific vocabulary, key concepts and the links between the different Teaching Areas. Students will gain confidence in examination skills throughout the course via regular low stakes (every lesson) and less regularly (per Learning Objective) via higher stakes formative testing.
Intent Year 11
In year 11: Students will continue their studies completing TA4 of RO32 Principles of Care in the first half of the Autumn term. This will enable students to take part in the mock exam week in January as they will have completed 75% of the exam unit. As the exam is very specific about the responses that gain marks, as well as learning the content, students will also be given guidance about how to approach the exam. Students will respond to feedback and use this to become confident in the expectations for success in the exam.
RO35 Health Promotion Campaigns are taught between October and March. This unit requires students to show awareness of current public health issues and the impact that these have on society before planning and creating their own health campaign in line with the assignment brief. This will be presented to Year 7s as part of the Personal Learning Curriculum where students will use feedback to evaluate the success of their campaign.
From March, students will complete the final TA of the exam unit before a programme of revision in preparation for the terminal exam in June.
Key Stage 5
At Key Stage 5 Health and Social care technical qualification is offered at extended certificate; Diploma and Extended Diploma level. There is a clear progression route from studying Health & Social Care, Child Development, and Psychology at KS4 but is inclusive and can be the right course for students who do not have this background. We encourage students who are considering university, apprenticeship or employment in the Health and Social Care sectors to take advantage of the level of preparation that this course offers and how their learning is extended through work experiences, volunteering and external agencies who work with us. There is an emphasis on scenarios in both the examined and portfolio units, so an ability to apply their theoretical knowledge in practical and real-life situations is supported by this approach. For students who are considering other progression routes, the course offers students life skills such as communication, working with others, health & safety, understanding diversity, time management, problem solving and the role of legislation that are all key features of the world of work.
Due to the independent nature of the Extended Diploma, there is some flexibility to offer additional units that best match the preferred progression route for students so these units are not as fixed as for the other qualifications.
Threads of powerful knowledge in Health and Social Care
Health and Social care involves a set of general themes that provide the basis for:
- Understanding the importance of communication in a variety of settings
- Understanding the key principles of care in a range of settings
- Understanding the importance of safeguarding and legislation
- Understanding the diversity of need in a range of settings
Development of practical skills which can be used in the world of work.
Cultural reading and enrichment in Health and Social Care settings
- Links to local care homes
- Voluntary experience is encourage
- Visiting speakers
Links to Further Information
- A - Health and Social Care Curriculum Intent 2024
- B - Y10 Health and Social Care Curriculum Map 2024
- C - Y11 Health and Social Care Curriculum Map 2024
- D - Health and Social Care Assessment Marking and Feedback Approaches