Physical Education Curriculum
Intent of Physical Education
We aim to develop all students through our PE programme and extra curricular provision that enables everyone the opportunity to enjoy and succeed in many kinds of physical activity. We use a variety of themes and strands to drive our approach in our lessons. The key themes and strands that underpin the study of PE at Thurston are:
Physical Education themes overview -
- Invasion Games
- Court Games
- Sequenced movement
- Net, Wall, and Target Games
- Striking and Fielding
- Exercise, Performance and Well being
Physical Education strands overview -
- Know
- Show
- Grow
Key Stage 3
In Key Stage 3, we aim to improve students' understanding and development of PE, through supporting their progress in a wide range of physical activities, either in individual or group scenarios.
The Key Stage 3 timetable enables all students to have two ‘PE’ focussed lessons per fortnight where skill development and initial knowledge and understanding of the requirements of the activity are acquired. In addition to the PE lessons, students have one ‘Games’ focussed lesson per fortnight allowing students the opportunity to improve their interpersonal skills and participate in structured competition against their peers.
Our use of three key stands allow for a more holistic approach to PE to ensure all aspects of our students can access and develop PE lessons that support their own all-round improvement through physical activity.
Key Stage 4
At Key Stage 4, using the foundation of the skills gained from the KS3 themes and strands, we focus on opportunities for refined skills development, greater student leadership responsibilities and ongoing competitive scenarios.
Many students take up the opportunity to study PE at examination level in Key Stage 4-5. We are, also, keen with all non examined students in Key Stage 4 to explore pathways, accredited courses and options that maintains their engagement and commitment to being physically active.
We aim to develop students’ confidence and broaden skills when physically performing, especially those of tactical awareness, decision making, identifying and solving problems, teamwork, collaboration, leadership, competitiveness, creativity, and aesthetic appreciation.
These concepts and skills, together with the development of positive values and attitudes in PE, provide a foundation of the attributes required for our students to succeed across an array of sports, and to support the lifelong learning of the importance of an active and healthy lifestyle.
TCC Physical Education Themes further explained
Invasion Games: These activities are where the overriding purpose is to i) invade an opposing teams’ territory or zone to score goals and points, as well as to protect a territorial area to prevent the opposing side from scoring goals or points. Invasion game activities are usually fast paced, and focus on teamwork, keeping possession, attacking and defending.
Examples of Invasion Games at Thurston include Football, Rugby, Handball, and Hockey.
Court Games: These activities are ones played within a confined area and often involve two sides. Similarly to invasion games, opportunities to work well in both attacking and defensive situations will be developed for all; movement is often more controlled. An ability to play a set position is offered to allow an understanding of position-specific roles and responsibilities.
Examples of Court Games at Thurston include Netball, Basketball, and Lineball.
Sequenced movement: This includes activities in which success is considered in relation to how well a performer or choreographer expresses ideas, feelings, concepts or emotions to communicate artistic or choreographic intentions to an audience.
Examples of sequenced movement activities at Thurston include dance styles such as capoeira, contemporary dance and gymnastics.
Net, Wall, and Target Games: These activities are where the purpose is to move an object over a net or into a target without your opponents returning the object or not being as accurate. The activities are often played with a reduced number of players and with refined skills being used to outperform an opponent.
Examples of Net, Wall and Target Games at Thurston include Badminton, Table Tennis and Tennis.
Striking and Fielding: These activities are done primarily as team based games where the purpose is to score points or runs when a player strikes a ball or similar object and runs to designated playing areas while the other team attempts to retrieve the ball and return it to prevent their opponents from scoring. These activities will develop reaction skills and provision, along with working tactically with teammates.
Examples of Striking and Fielding Games at Thurston include Rounders and Cricket.
Exercise, Performance and Wellbeing: These activities are where success is often measured by personal best scores or times, and in competition by direct comparison with others’ scores or times to serve as a motivator to beat in future attempts. Alongside this, a developed knowledge and understanding is gained in regards to how well exercise and fitness movements are completed safely and effectively.
Examples of Exercise, Performance, and Wellbeing at Thurston include Fitness Training, and Athletics.
TCC PE Strands further explained
Know - This strand will steer students to build a range of cognitive ability and skills in our students including knowledge, understanding, analysis, feedback, rules, strategies and tactics
Show - This strand will steer students to build a range of performance based ability and skills in our students including demonstration of physical ability, fitness levels, competitiveness, and technique execution.
Grow - This strand will steer students to build a range of reflective abilities and skills in our students including resilience, confidence, effort, positive attitude, communication, and respect.
Cultural reading and enrichment opportunities in PE include
- Regular afterschool PE clubs and lunchtime clubs where possible (due to our current split-lunch arrangements) for all abilities in a range of activities.
- Examination PE catch up sessions on selected lunchtimes to allow for booster opportunities for students requiring more bespoke individualised support and guidance.
- Inter school events to stretch and challenge more able students
- Sixth form trips to universities, overseas visits, etc
- (It is our desire to return to termly Intra school tutor group competitions to allow competitive opportunities for all students - Thurston is currently looking to relaunch a House structure with sports playing a key role in this - from 2024/25)
Links to Further Information
- A KS3 Physical Education Curriculum Map
- B KS4 Core PE Curriculum Map
- C KS4 GCSE PE Curriculum Map
- D KS4 Cambridge National Sport Science Curriculum Map
- E A Level PE Curriculum Map
- F PE Assessment Marking and Feedback Approaches