Thurston Community College


We applaud and recognise good attendance. We expect students to attend College every day.

If your child is ill or unable to attend, please text or email the College each morning on the days that your child is absent before 08:45. Messages can be left on the College answering system (01359 230885 - select attendance option 1). Please give the name and tutor group of the student along with brief details of the reason for absence and expected date of return to College.

The College operates a daily absence check. This means that if your child is absent at morning registration without the College's prior knowledge, we will treat this as an emergency situation and make contact with you. The system is designed to ensure that all students who have left home arrive safely in College.  Any unknown absence is dealt with in line with the College's Attendance Policy.

For the system to work effectively, up-to-date contact addresses and telephone numbers are essential. Please email the College with any changes to your contact information or change of circumstances (

To notify us of an absence please email

Please click this link to the policies page to view our Attendance Policy.

Exceptional leave of absence

Suffolk Local Authority advise schools that leave of absence during term-time should not be granted other than in the most exceptional circumstances. 

To apply for an exceptional leave of absence, please complete the application form.

Exceptional leave of absence application form

Penalty Notices: SCC Information for Parents and Carers

School Attendance and Absence

Absence Request Flowchart