Severe Weather
The decision to close the College is never taken lightly. The health and safety of all members of the College community is of primary concern. However, we are also acutely aware of the importance of providing every opportunity for our students to learn.
If a decision to close the College is made, the information will be communicated to students, parents and staff using the following methods:
- Announcement on the College website
- Message via SchoolComms (email and text)
- Announcement on the Local Authority website (
- College social media channels (Facebook, Twitter & Instagram)
- Announcements on local radio stations: Heart FM (97.1 or 96.4 FM) and Radio Suffolk (95.5, 95.9, 103.9 or 104.6 FM)
Should there be the need to prolong closure of the College for more than one day, information will be provided through regular updates on the College website.
In all cases of College closure, we expect students to use their time at home productively.
Unexpected closure
Please ensure your child knows the arrangements that are in place to enable them to gain access to the family home, or that of a known adult who lives nearby, in case the College has to close unexpectedly. This is particularly important in the case of evacuation of the building due to a fire or any other emergency.
During an evacuation of the College, students are told to leave the buildings immediately, and they are not permitted to collect bags, coats or any other belongings as this will delay procedures and could have life-threatening consequences. Therefore any house keys and mobile phones students would usually have with them will be in the College building and cannot be accessed. Please ensure you discuss with your child the procedures you have in place as a family should such circumstances arise.