The Epidemic that is Vaping: What every parent needs to know
In 2003 a Chinese pharmacist produced the first E cigarette after losing his father to lung cancer. By 2005 E cigarettes had arrived in the UK, and over the next 18 years vaping has replaced smoking as the teenage pastime. By 2017 2.1 million middle and secondary school students were E cigarette users.
Vaping appeals to teenagers, given its range of ‘fun’ flavours, the link to tech (JUUL vapes which now command more than half the market in the USA look like a flash drive) and the mistaken belief that, unlike tobacco, vapes don’t pose a risk to health.
The use of E cigarettes has reached epidemic proportions among the young. Many vapes deliver high levels of nicotine and are extremely addictive. In the USA several recent deaths have been attributed to vaping.
Health risks associated with vaping include:
- High exposure to levels of nicotine leading to addiction. Given the teenage brain is still developing, this may in turn to lead to other addictive behaviours including drug and alcohol use
- Vapes contain carcinogenic (cancer causing) compounds
- Severe lung irritation
- Circulatory problems caused by increased heart rate and blood pressure
Why should you be worried as a parent?
Vapes leave less odour than tobacco, making secret use easier to conceal. Schools see the negative effects of vape use, ranging from lack of concentration as the next ‘hit’ is needed to extortion and bullying associated with supply.
Despite age restrictions on purchase, vapes are extremely easy to obtain online.
Finally, a new and more worrying trend is emerging; of vapes containing THC. This is the psychoactive component of Cannabis. In addition to the harmful effects of this substance, which include the danger of developing Schizophrenia and other mental illnesses, Cannabis remains an illegal class B drug, with associated penalties for use and supply.
We would therefore urge you as a parent to open a dialogue about vaping, read the information contained in the link below in order to be fully informed about the potential problems, and remain vigilant about whether your child is vaping, given everything outlined above.
We leave you with the final thought that the long term health impact of vaping is yet to be established but the financial cost of developing the habit, together with the associated anti-social behaviours and potential negative impact on concentration and therefore education are already clear.